Saturday, June 6, 2009

MRI part 2: The results are in part 2

Dr. Li called me yesterday and told me that my MRI showed an "unusually bright area" in my brain. He said that this "UFO" was nothing to worry about, but if my primary care doc had a best friend who was a neurologist, I should follow up with her. He was extremely nice, and tried to make this thing sound as innocent as possible, but it's still worrisome to me. If I don't get the MRI reports in another week, I'll go by medical records and pick them up myself. Then, I'll go to my primary care and we'll talk. Catie says this bright area is glitter. Sounds good to me!
So, my excuse for everything is: "I'm brain damaged". My family can now use the phrase "my brain damaged (wife, mom, daughter, sister.....") to explain any odd or dumb behavior. Works for me!