Yesterday was Flag Day. The day we celebrate the American Flag.
It was also Thom's birthday. It's hard to believe that it's been nearly six months since he died. I really miss his odd sense of humor. He was a master at the art of understatement! He was also a dedicated husband, dad, and friend. His "trademark", if you can call it that, was his variety of shirts: Hawaiian in the summer, flannel in the winter. After his funeral, I asked Jenny if I could have a couple of his shirts. It sounds like a strange request, but I had a plan!
I wanted to use the fabric to make a pillow for Donna and John. That way, they could have a part of their dad near them all the time. Jenny carried it a step further, she had the kids pick their favorite shirt to send to me.
I wanted to have the shirts finished in time for our "girls' weekend" in a couple of weeks. I started working on them yesterday. As I cut into the fabric, it occurred to me that I was cutting up Thom's shirts on his birthday. I cut carefully so that the shirt pocket could be worked into the pillow. I continued to sew and the pillows took shape. I had enough fabric left to make a small handkerchief to go into the pocket. I hope the kids will enjoy their pillows and know that every time they hug their pillow, they are getting a hug from their dad.