Tuesday, June 16, 2009

June is half over......YIKES!!

Where is this year going?? It's nearly half over. What have I accomplished? Well....We've had a litter of Manx kittens, all ready for forever homes. I have gotten a few older cats "fixed" and ready for retirement homes. I have shoveled enough cat poo from litter boxes to power a rocket to the moon and back (several times!). I have made little Hope my travel buddy. She goes to Roanoke with me every week.
At work, I have maintained most of my "flying under the radar" status. This time next year, unless things change, I'll need a new job. Carilion has decided not to continue their housing option for those of us who travel long distances (over 60 miles, one way). In the meantime, I have started the "Bottom Line", a biweekly newsletter updating staff on skin care issues, documentation, and definitions. I have arranged my schedule so that I work 6 nights and am off 8 nights. Not a bad deal. I love what I'm doing. I'm content where I am. As an "old" nurse, I can mentor my younger, newer colleagues so that they are spared from learning some things the hard way, as I did.
I have dealt with anger, hurt, pride, legal issues, and surprise announcements from the kids. My blood pressure is no higher now than it was 6 months ago. My weight may be up about 5 pounds, though! All these years, Ma has been right:"This, too, shall pass". All of our problems are temporary. Most will not significantly alter history or our feelings toward each other. When it comes right down to it, we are, and always will be, a family. We may not always like each other, but we will always love each other. One of us may call another one a sorry, dirty dog, but don't let anyone else say anything evil about us! We stick together. Even those who are added by marriage or long term relationships are family, as if they were born into the clan. We protect and care for them, too.
I have learned that I have a UBO, Unidentified Bright Object, in the left parietal lobe of my brain. Don't know what it is or how long it's been there. I can still walk and talk, sometimes I even make sense, so it just is. I know that I could stand to lose 50 pounds. I'll get around to it someday........or not. I don't like being this heavy, but I'm not miserable, either.
I have knitted dozens of baby hats for the NICU at work. I have knitted a few afghans for babies, socks, scarves, and gloves. I enjoy knitting. It gives me an excuse to sit and watch a ball game or movie. I have made myself a new purse. It's big enough to hold everything, including my camera, laptop, phone and knitting. It has lots of pockets and a ring to hang my keys on so they won't get lost. I have made some baby outfits for gifts (and for "ours"). I enjoy the time I spend sewing. I have played with the embroidery component of my sewing machine. It's a lot of fun!
I have been to a computer class. I've learned how to navigate Windows a little more efficiently. I can use a flash drive. It's not an impressive accomplishment for most people, but I feel a little smarter!
I thought that I hadn't done much this year, but when I look at what I've written and realize that this is the tip of the iceberg, I guess I haven't wasted as much time as I thought I had. I hope the next 6 months is equally productive!