Saturday, May 30, 2009

Home again!

I am sooooo glad to be back home! I was gone for 11 very long days. I had 2 days off in that time, but it wasn't worth the cost of gas to drive home and come back within 24 hours. That's just enough time home to make me mad.
I've missed my kitties. Seems like they missed me, too. Punkin, the world's fattest Manx, was begging for a good brushing, Bubba wanted in my lap regardless of what (or who) was already there, Mitchie wanted her time, too. The kittens have grown like weeds and dance around my feet. Georgie is her usual grumpy self. Skuttles is still adorable. Haven't checked on the basement cats yet, that's my job today.
The laundry has missed me! There's 2 weeks' worth piled up. The mass is taller than I am! For those who would say that's not very tall, you do five feet of laundry! That's my weekend project.
I missed Dave. We talk on the phone at least once a day, but it's not the same. To see the facial expression of the person you're talking to is special. When I'm away and I get cold, I have to get a blanket or adjust the thermostat. When I'm at home, Dadcat can keep me warm. I know that I get aggravated with him when he doesn't act the way I want him to (he's a guy, what do I expect?!?), but he was selected for me and I really do love him bunches!
After this fabulous weekend of reconnecting, I get to go back to the hotel Tuesday. In a couple of weeks, I'll start my "work 6, off 8" schedule. It sounds horrific, but my sleep schedule is more regular, I'm doing my required every other weekend at work, and I get every other week off. It's all good!