Saturday, May 16, 2009

Some nerve!

On Monday, I went to the DO to have my shoulder examined. He and his student did a really thorough exam and found some weird stuff. First of all, my right second rib was out of place. The student was able to push my rib back into place. It didn't hurt and I was able to breathe better. I wasn't even aware that I was having a problem until it was fixed! I was told that I have a twisted thoracic disc and a positive Hoffman's sign. When the doctor thumps the tip of my middle finger, nothing should happen. My other fingers all jerk. On both hands. Apparently, it's extremely rare for someone to have a positive Hoffman's sign bilaterally. On Monday, I'm going for a cervical MRI. I'm playing down any potential problems right now. I just don't want to worry about anything until I'm given something to worry about. Cervical nerve compression, a demyelinating process, a bad disc are all possibilities, but I'll deal with them later.
The student got to practice manipulating my shoulder to give me a little more mobility. It hurt like a son of a gun! I did have a little better mobility afterward, and the doctor offered to put me on limited duty for work (lifting and pulling on patients is not good for my shoulder!), but I told him that I'll be OK working for now. I don't want to be limited just yet. I'd hate to think that I might lose my job because I'm limited in what I can do. I'll keep taking the anti-inflammatory and limiting what I do on my days off. I'll go back after my MRI and have my shoulder adjusted again.
If it sounds like I'm in denial, I kind of am. I just don't want to have to deal with any other disasters right now. If I act like nothing's wrong, then I don't have to think about it. I agree with Scarlett O'Hara, "After all, tomorrow's another day!".