Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's a boy

Sam had her ultrasound today. They are having a boy. Elliott is on cloud nine! For right now, he is Bryce Thomas. Elliott wants the middle name to be Thomas because that name has been used every generation for eons. Not an unreasonable request.
I have decided to give Sam a little more support. Elliott has told me some about her family and her upbringing. Her life has not been an easy (or stable) one. Because of this, it is difficult for her to trust people. This is true of anyone who has lived the way she has. Maybe God sent her to us so that she could learn how normal (dysfunctional) families act. We can have fights, conflicts, disagreements, whatever and then forgive each other. It doesn't have to come to physical violence or abuse and it doesn't have to involve someone going to jail. Sometimes all it takes is for someone to go to timeout. I don't mind going to timeout. It gives me a chance to sort things out before I say something I might regret later.
I do feel a pang of sadness for Catie and Ben. Little Buddha would be here now. They are still working through their IF issues. I pray that God will bless them and I know that it will be in His time. But it would be nice if He could send happy news to them soon. Every month that goes by is more frustrating and disappointing for them. Catie has asked me not to write about her, but I feel the need to. I will try not to disclose too much info. I don't want her to be upset with me.
I feel like I'm straddling a fence. Elliott and Sam are so excited about their baby and I want to be excited with them. At this point, while I would prefer that they were married, I can understand why they're not. I pray that they will be a happy, healthy, loving family regardless of their marital status.
On the other hand, I hate to act excited around Catie. She's a tough girl and has fared much better than others in her situation. The fact remains, though, that having a baby will be more difficult for her. I will be overjoyed when her time comes.