Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I think Elliott is beginning to understand just how much trouble he's in. Thanks to Princess Sam, the chick who calls in domestic abuse reports whenever she gets mad, Elliott has been arrested for DUI. While he did blow a 0.09, he has already served one night in jail and he has voluntarily served a 15 day suspension on his license. As his court date approaches, he is getting more nervous. The possibility of jail is frightening to him. I don't blame him. The possibility of Dave finding out about this is even more frightening. Elliott knows that his dad will hit the roof! Of course, by my not telling Dave, I'm not in a very good position either! The whole situation aggravates me a bit. But for the fact that Princess had called the police with that phony domestic report, and given a description of Elliott's car, he never would have been pulled and this whole situation wouldn't exist. If the cop had been out arresting some of the druggies that seem to be running rampant in Huntington, rather than looking for a kid in a blue PT Cruiser, this situation wouldn't exist (I suppose that even cops take the path of least resistance!). I'm not excusing Elliott's actions. He should not have driven after he had 2 beers. But, he was removing himself from a volatile situation at Princess' apartment and he had no choice. I just wish he had not decided to go back and live with her after she did this to him.
He has also shown some effort towards getting his bills paid. I have explained to him what he needs to do and, in his own special way, he has given me the information that I need. I haven't been easy on him. He will have to adhere to a budget and there will be no frills to it! If he wants to save his credit rating, he will have to make sacrifices.
I'm also grateful for the words of wisdom that have gone to him from Chris and Catie. Sometimes, he'll listen to them before he'll listen to Dave or me. Even when they don't think he hears them.
Sometimes, life's lessons are best remembered if they are learned the hard way. I pray for Elliott many times each day! "Train up a child in the way he should go and, when he is old, he will not depart from it." It doesn't mean that they won't wander, it just means that our loving Shepherd will guide them back when they do.

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