Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Troubles aplenty

When I was growing up, "Don't tell your mother" was as much a warning as it was an instruction. It meant that if Ma found out whatever it was that she wasn't supposed to, we would all suffer her wrath. Someone dented a fender in a parking lot? "Don't tell your mother". Someone made an "F"? "Don't tell your mother". Pop spent a little extravagantly when we all went out on a Saturday? "Don't tell your mother". None of the things we didn't tell were earth shaking and none would seriously alter the course of history, but it made me very careful what information I divulged. When I knew that I was pregnant with Chris, I wasn't quite sure about how to tell Ma. I was married, we had good jobs and a house, but I was still not sure how she would react. In addition to feeling excited, I felt a little fear and dread. Fortunately, Ma and Pop were going to visit his family up north that summer. My Aunt Cartha (Pop's sister) had been asking Ma for many years about when she was going to be a grandmother. Until my sister Kathy got married, Ma was really in no hurry! We were sitting on the front porch one afternoon discussing the upcoming trip. I decided to jump in with both feet: "When you see Aunt Cartha and she asks you about grandchildren, tell her January!". Ma looked at me and asked if I was trying to tell her something. "Uh, you're going to be a grandmother in January". Ma was thrilled! As it turned out, telling my mother was easy. I learned that I could tell her anything and her reaction was never as bad as I feared.
Now, I'm in a "Don't tell your father" situation. Elliott has a girlfriend who is so evil, she's Melissa on steroids! This chick will ruin his life. Not might, will! She has gotten Elliott in some serious trouble out of pure spite and meanness. Some people think that it's OK to use "domestic abuse" charges as punishment when their SO makes them mad. It's NEVER OK to do that. It lessens the seriousness of such a charge. I have been through this with Russ and his ex. Exact same situation. She would do everything in her power to emasculate him, to destroy him, to ruin him, then whine "domestic abuse". Truth is, SHE was the abuser! Sam is doing the same thing to Elliott. She is telling him where he can live, where he can work, and who he can be friends with. She has cost him one job already. He has spent the night in jail because of her (a phony domestic charge). He was afraid to call anyone. Thank God that Elliott's friend Craig found out about it and got him out. Elliott still insists on living with this she-devil! He loves her! Please don't tell Dad that he was in jail because of her!
Please, God, don't let them reproduce! And please, remind me that You will take care of her in Your time so it's not necessary for me to rip her lip off!

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