Monday, October 12, 2009

A new blessing

Bryce Landon Curry was born at 10:29 am yesterday morning. He weighed 7lbs 7oz and was 20 inches long. From the pictures I've seen, he's a beautiful little boy. Mom and dad are doing well. They will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.
Elliott called me at about 10:30 Saturday night to tell me that Sam's water broke (while they were at work!) and they were on their way to the hospital. I was at work, 5 hours away. We kept in touch with text messages. At 3:30, Elliott let me know that Sam had been given an epidural. He wanted to know "how much longer it will take?". With a great deal of authority, I said "he'll be here at 10:25". How was I to know I would be so close. I guess you just have to know these things when you're the Queen! Actually, a 12 hour labor is not bad for a first baby.
Babies are such miracles. It's hard to imagine how two little cells can come together, then divide until a whole new person is formed. They are blank slates. They can become anything they want. I pray for love and wisdom for little Bryce's parents. They have been blessed beyond measure.

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