Thursday, October 1, 2009

Grief and kitties

Smokey died peacefully in her sleep this week. She was a Maine Coon mix rescue that we got when Catie was nine. That would make her about 17 years old at the time of her death. That's a long life for a cat that started out in an abusive home. Catie sent her to live with me a few years ago. She was afraid of coming home in the evening and finding Smokes dead. Better that I should find her! She always had a kind of cross eyed look and the tip on her tongue would stick out of her mouth. The kids called that her "crack baby face". She was allergic to flea saliva. It made her fur fall out. As she got older, she had difficulty grooming her long blue-gray coat. If I attempted to comb her, she would bite! It was the only time she ever displayed negative behavior. Elliott shaved her matted fur a few months ago. She looked funny until her coat came back in. It was as beautiful as ever. Good by Smokey, we'll miss you.
Along with this sadness, I am going to have to take MawMaw and Skuttles to the vet to be put down. Skuttles was born with "flipper feet", her little back legs were splayed out flat under her hips. I was overjoyed when she got strength enough to stand up on them. Sadly, as she has gotten older, her hips have become more unstable and she has not been eating. She spends most of her time sleeping. When she walks, she is in agony. I can't let her suffer any longer.
MawMaw is about 15 years old. Another elderly cat at the end of her life. She was content living in the basement until a couple of weeks ago. I think she wanted to spend some time with us so she could say good by. She has always been a sweet tempered cat, and a good momma. She loves nothing more than a cuddle and a scratch between her ears. Her kidneys are failing. She passes what looks like Coke, in very small amounts. She sleeps a lot now, too. Again, I can't let her suffer.
It's hard to say good by to faithful friends. I will miss all of these girls. As my cats age and I no longer breed kittens, I will be doing this more often. Fortunately, we can be kind to our elderly pets. We have the option of "putting them down" when their days become nothing but misery. I will not euthanize any of my cats to "get rid of them". I will do it because I love them enough to say good by in order to ease their suffering.
I love you, girls.

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