Sunday, March 8, 2009

The next chapter

Dadquat and ET went to Huntington last Wednesday to get ET's bank account straightened out. Of course, while they were there, ET had to see Princess. He wasn't with her five minutes before Dadquat got a phone call. ET needed to be picked up. Dadquat waited at the local gas station and, here came Princess, screeching to a halt. She got out of the car, screaming that ET was a loser, she hated him, he needed to just get out! ET climbed out of the back seat and got into the car with Dadquat. ET said that he was done. He wanted to get a truck and move his stuff out of their apartment (here we go again!). Before they could even get an estimate on the truck rental, Princess caled ET. She was soooooo sorry, would he forgive her? Of course he would! Here's the ironic part: ET has to ride in the back seat of her car because the passenger door doesn't work. Neither does the transmission. Neither does the engine (part of the time). At least ET has a working car, even if he can't drive it right now! D'ya think that's why she keeps him around? Hmmmm........
ET and I had a talk about abusive relationships. Abuse is not just punching someone in the face or slapping someone around. It's also not always a man abusing a woman. Most women who are abusers are the verbal/psychological type. They use words to inflict damage. I have seen it happen before. No matter how hard the man tries, he isn't good enough, he doesn't make enough money, he doesn't provide the right house in the right neighborhood, he's a lousy father, husband, lover. I asked ET to think long and hard about his relationship with Princess and ask himself a few questions: "Am I happier when I'm with her, or when I'm away from her?" "Am I frequently walking on eggshells around her?" "Am I better off with her or without her?" If his answers indicate that he is a more happy, relaxed individual when she's not around, then maybe he's with the wrong girl. I honestly think that they are both too immature to be in this type of relationship. I told him that they both need to step back, take some time to decide what they each want to be when they grow up, establish themselves individually, then decide if they are right for each other. I know that my advice will fall on deaf ears because I'm his mother. I hope he will listen to others that we know who have been in this kind of situation and learn from their misfortunes. Better that he not make the same mistake once!

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