Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Help me, Lord

Elliott's court date came and went. Nothing happened because his case was continued. He was not notified. The officer had to go to "training". His DUI classes were arranged and he was going to stay with Catie and Ben until he got his license reinstated. Until this evening.
He told me this afternoon that his girlfriend, Sam, is pregnant. He just found out Sunday. My first question to him was "Who's the father?". when he said that he was, I asked "are you sure?". He told Catie about it tonight. She immediately flipped. She threw him out of her house and, in short, disowned him. She called our house crying. I tried to explain to her that it is natural for her to feel angry, disappointed, and even jealous. I got no further. She insisted on talking to her dad. Over the past couple of hours, she has talked to me in a way that I would NEVER, ever talk to my mother and she has called me everything but a child of God! She sent me a nasty email which told me to never bother trying to contact her ever again. She doesn't want to see me or hear from me. EVER! Why? Because I am not as outraged with Elliott and Sam as she thinks I ought to be. What am I supposed to do? I will not disown one of my own children, no matter what kind of stupid stuff any of them do. If Elliott and Sam reach the point that they have no place to go and nothing to eat, they are welcome at my house, same as Catie and Ben. Elliott was going to walk from St. Albans to Huntington, about 35 miles, tonight because he had nowhere to go and she wouldn't let him stay there. Chris and Dave left here at 11 pm to go get him. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive. Guess it's better for her if we're all upset tonight. Elliott called me and said that she posted something ugly about him and Sam on her My Space page, but since I have been deleted as one of her friends, I don't have access to it. I put a response on her blog for today about how hypocritical she is and it was promptly deleted. In scripture, we are warned not to be like the Pharisees, who bragged about how good and how godly they are, yet delivered Jesus to be crucified. Instead of supporting her brother in a difficult time, she has thrown him out on the street. Instead of trying to understand that I love each of my children, no matter what, she sees that I am "taking his side" and has disowned me. There are no sides here. Nobody wins. Satan has sown the seeds of bitterness in her heart.They have taken root and are growing a bumper crop of ugly weeds.
It is 1215am. Elliott just called and said that Catie left him a text message. She said that if he didn't tell her where he is, she would call the police and have him picked up. He said that he isn't going to answer her because she told him she never wanted to hear from him again.He is only trying to comply with her wishes. So be it. Jesus told us that we should worry over nothing, God will take care of us. Jesus didn't have any kids! This is going to be a long night.
One final thought: I love all of my kids. I would give up my own life to protect theirs. I will never disown any of them. They are always welcome at my table. They will disappoint me, they will hurt me, they will make me proud, they will make me laugh. Each of them are, and always will be, special to me.


  1. This is all bull shit. 100% bull shit. But I'm not surprised. You've always taken his word over mine.

    And PS- I didn't post one.single.thing about him or Samantha (Aka: The girl you have referred to as the Spawn of Satan until today) on myspace. I never once mentioned it. But, of course if Elliott said it it must Gospel truth.

    I'd also like to know what names I allegedly called you.

    Paint me up as the bad guy. I don't really care. It doesn't bother me in the least. Until you have both sides of the story, you shouldn't report either side as fact.

  2. I have your email. I am not taking sides. There are no winners in this one. I lose. My blood pressure is through the roof. My nerves are raw. I can't do anything about this situation. The cold, hard fact is that you threw Elliott out of your house. You deleted me from your My Space page, I didn't. You talked to me the way you did. You disowned me. You know it.
