Monday, December 15, 2008

A Thom update

This had been one of the most devastating days of my life. I talked to Jenny this morning and she told me that Thom was taken to surgery early this morning to have a stent placed in his left carotid artery. His stroke has extended and he has now had bleeding in his brain. He is unresponsive, on a vent, and given a 25% chance of survival. How could this have happened? Thom was at Ma and Pop's house Saturday putting up their Christmas tree with Jenny and their kids. Less than 12 hours later, he was in the ICU in critical condition.
Jenny and Thom have been blessed with a strong support system. They have family, friends, their church, and business associates praying for them, helping with Donna and John, visiting, and calling. This support will be there long after the crisis has passed.
I'm at a loss. I know that the best thing I can do is "pray without ceasing" as we have been instructed to do. I know that God will answer our prayers. Sometimes, it's just too difficult to comprehend the answer to "Thy will be done". What if His will is that Thom should die? We will all have to accept that, but life will not be the same. How could a loving God take a father away from his wife and children, especially children who still need him so much? Maybe that God is acting in love by not making Thom exist in a body and mind that no longer function.Maybe He is protecting Jenny, Donna, and John from years of watching Thom exist rather than live.
Obviously, I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst. But is death really the worst thing that can happen? It will be painful for those of us left to grieve our loss, but it will be fabulous for Thom. He will be reunited with family and friends who have gone before him. He will meet his little great niece, Buddha. He will meet Jesus and all of the prophets. He will get to ask all of the questions that we all want to ask. He will be free. Who could ask for more?

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