Friday, December 12, 2008

The filling in the sandwich...part 2

This is the other side of the coin. When my kids were little, Ma and Pop provided an infinite amount of wisdom. When a crisis popped up, Ma's favorite phrase was "This, too, shall pass". There were times when I thought that if I heard that phrase one more time, I might scream! But she was right. Every crisis passed, and we all survived. Colic, potty training, loose teeth, school, teenaged all passed. Before I knew it, they grew up.
Now that they are grown, the problems are different and more complicated. Chris' fiancee broke up with him. Her excuse was that she "needed more time". More time for what?? They were together for 7 years. Turns out she was cheating on him. How can someone who "loves" you cheat on you? How do you explain to your brokenhearted child that it was not him, it was her? How do you tell him you're not really surprised by her behavior?
Catie and Ben lost their baby. How do you explain to your brokenhearted child that things will be OK, there will be a baby at the right time? How do you fix what can't be fixed?
Elliott seems to be on cruise control. He's still the one I worry about most, though. I know that he'll land on his feet, but sometimes he seems like he's got no direction. How do I convince him that he needs a focus without sounding like I'm lecturing?
I wouldn't trade my kids for anything. They've brought more joy to my life than they'll ever know. They've grown into wonderful adults. They handle their crises with a maturity that is beyond their years. They all have great senses of humor, too. Am I proud of them? you bet!

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