Friday, March 19, 2010

A contrast

Catie, Elliott and I did the mall crawl Thursday night. Catie had Abbey in her stroller and Elliott had Bryce in his. Bryce is blue eyed with very fine blond fuzz. He loves to jump! He'll stand (with support, of course) and try to hop up and down, then cackle! At 5 months, he's a chunky 18 1/2 pounds. He's cutting his first teeth, so he's a slobber monster. Elliott says that he's still not sleeping through the night.
Abbey has a head full of dark hair. Her eyes are green/hazel. She's longer and leaner than her cousin, but she's only three weeks old. She has some funny facial expressions: smiles, pouts, frowns. She rarely cries and sleeps for long stretches at night. Her mom has seen to it that she is always well dressed. Abbey has more shoes than Imelda Marcos! Her cutest is a pair of pink suede Vans. They are so teeny!
As you can tell, I think they're both adorable! I am having a blast watching them grow. I am so proud of their parents, they do such a fantastic job. I think that raising children today is harder than it was when mine were little, but these babies have been blessed with parents who love each other and want the best for their children. Who could ask for more?

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