Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Abigail Marie

Baby Abbey was born on Monday, February 22, 2010 at 1845. Wouldn't you know, shift change! Catie's labor was induced early that morning, but progressed very slowly. Eight hours into labor, she got an epidural. Her doctor explained that Abbey had her hand behind her head and was coming elbow first! There was no way she would come out "the normal way"! By then, Catie's epidural had worn off, so she got general anesthesia. Ben had to leave the OR (hospital policy). Abbey was delivered within one minute of Catie's being put out. Fifteen minutes later, Abbey and her nurse were coming down the hall. The OR staff was fabulous. They took Catie's camera and photographed the delivery.
Abbey was beautiful (still is!). She weighed 7lb 2oz and was 21 inches long. She was born with a head full of dark hair. The nursery had several spools of thin ribbon in a variety of colors. The nurse tied a tiny red bow and used KY jelly to "glue" it to Abbey's head. So cute! Abbey has been a good baby from the first. Like Chris, she doesn't cry unless she needs something. She sleeps at long stretches during the night and eats like a champ! She has a closet full of clothes. She even has little shoes to go with her outfits! Catie and Ben adore her and feel incredibly blessed.
Catie did great after the surgery. She was up and walking within 8 hours and cared for Abbey herself (Ben helped, but he has way less experience with babies). They were discharged Wednesday evening and settled in to the home routine. Catie is a wonderful mom. She handles Abbey with confidence and doesn't hesitate to ask if she has a question. She is not one to panic, as a general rule. Like her mother and grandmother, Cate tends to dissolve once a crisis has passed.
Ben and Catie have been blessed with a beautiful, perfect baby girl. We have been blessed with our second grandchild. All is well. Life is good!

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