Sunday, November 22, 2009


I broke out in a rash Friday evening while I was at work. It's a coarse looking red rash with what looks like blisters in the center. It itches like crazy! It was mostly on my right forearm and hand. I thought I might have caught something from a patient, but Saturday afternoon, when I woke up, I found a small critter crawling on the bed. EEEWWWWWW!!! I put it in a Ziploc bag. The rash had spread to my forehead, neck, left arm and legs.I didn't go in to work Saturday night. Instead, I went to the urgent care center. The doctor took one look at my rash and my little friend and said "You have Scabies!". EEEWWWWWW!!!!! I got a prescription for some nasty smelling bug killing cream. I had to smear it all over me and leave it on overnight. This morning, I washed it off. I don't know if it was supposed to pull the bugs out of my skin, but the rash is more diffuse. Still itches like crazy. I look like I have some flesh eating plague! Benadryl has become my best friend. I jusdt hope it's gone by Friday. I wouldn't want to go back to work and creep everyone out!

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