Thursday, July 23, 2009


Rats are vermin. They spread diseases and misery. They should not be allowed in the workplace. I'm not talking about the rodent type of rats. I'm talking about tattle tails. Those who can't wait to run to the boss and tell all tales, real, imagined, and embellished, on coworkers. I know who the rats are where I work. They tried to bite me. Sorry, girls, it didn't work.
I was called in to the manager's office the other day. Had to leave the bedside of a patient who was coding. Yes, we were trying to save this patient's life and I was told to stop what I was doing to go to the woodshed! I was told that she had received complaints about me from "many of my coworkers". The complaints ran the gamut from I don't do my own work to I don't help others. She added that patients and families had also complained. I was furious (stupid me, I cry when I'm that furious!)! If there were complaints about me from patients and families, I wanted specifics, NOW! Well, she hadn't gotten any complaints from patients or families about me...........So why bring it up?? The complaint from a coworker (only one complaint, mind you) was a complete and total lie. I told mt boss that and asked if she would bring that person in so I could say it to her face! That wouldn't be necessary. However, If I saw anything, I was encouraged to tell her who and what. I don't like rats.
Our conversation shifted to negative attitudes. Fair cop, I have been negative, as has everyone I work with. Some of the most stable. long term nurses on our unit are doing their best to transfer. We discussed the source of my negativity: scheduling issues (ie: always working short), assignments (some always seem to have the "heavy" assignments while others get off easy), and burn out in general. I felt better after that part of the talk, just because I was able to get my frustration out of my system. It's easy to get sucked into negativity. That's why I tend to pull a chair into the hall where my patients' rooms are and do my work there. Again, I was encouraged to come to her with any reports of wrongdoing on the part of coworkers.
I don't like rats. I don't tolerate rats. I will not be a rat. Rats undermine the good will in any workplace. Rats put one person against another. Rats cause paranoia. Rats cause a lack of trust. Rats shouldn't be encouraged.

Cats eat rats!

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