Thursday, July 23, 2009


Rats are vermin. They spread diseases and misery. They should not be allowed in the workplace. I'm not talking about the rodent type of rats. I'm talking about tattle tails. Those who can't wait to run to the boss and tell all tales, real, imagined, and embellished, on coworkers. I know who the rats are where I work. They tried to bite me. Sorry, girls, it didn't work.
I was called in to the manager's office the other day. Had to leave the bedside of a patient who was coding. Yes, we were trying to save this patient's life and I was told to stop what I was doing to go to the woodshed! I was told that she had received complaints about me from "many of my coworkers". The complaints ran the gamut from I don't do my own work to I don't help others. She added that patients and families had also complained. I was furious (stupid me, I cry when I'm that furious!)! If there were complaints about me from patients and families, I wanted specifics, NOW! Well, she hadn't gotten any complaints from patients or families about me...........So why bring it up?? The complaint from a coworker (only one complaint, mind you) was a complete and total lie. I told mt boss that and asked if she would bring that person in so I could say it to her face! That wouldn't be necessary. However, If I saw anything, I was encouraged to tell her who and what. I don't like rats.
Our conversation shifted to negative attitudes. Fair cop, I have been negative, as has everyone I work with. Some of the most stable. long term nurses on our unit are doing their best to transfer. We discussed the source of my negativity: scheduling issues (ie: always working short), assignments (some always seem to have the "heavy" assignments while others get off easy), and burn out in general. I felt better after that part of the talk, just because I was able to get my frustration out of my system. It's easy to get sucked into negativity. That's why I tend to pull a chair into the hall where my patients' rooms are and do my work there. Again, I was encouraged to come to her with any reports of wrongdoing on the part of coworkers.
I don't like rats. I don't tolerate rats. I will not be a rat. Rats undermine the good will in any workplace. Rats put one person against another. Rats cause paranoia. Rats cause a lack of trust. Rats shouldn't be encouraged.

Cats eat rats!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Catie and crayons

This blog was originally started so I could write down stories from raising my kids. Here's one of my favorite subjects: Catie and crayons.
Catie has always loved coloring. Even today, if she's feeling stressed, or just goofing off, she will grab a coloring book and crayons. I have examples of her artwork dating back to about 1984! Her works have been proudly displayed on my refrigerator for many years. I have a "Hello Kitty" picture hanging there now.
The house where we raised the kids had a laundry room off of the kitchen. It was a small room, separated from the kitchen by a wall and open doorway. I couldn't see what was going on in the kitchen when I was doing laundry. One summer day when Catie was about 4 and Elliott was 18 months old, I came from the laundry room into the kitchen. There stood Catie with Elliott right beside her. On the wall printed in kid scrawl with a magenta crayon was "ELLIOTT".
"Mama, look! Elliott wrote his name on the wall!" Catie's eyes always got huge when she was telling of a rule infraction.
Very gently, and without laughing, I tried to explain why Elliott could not possible have written his name on the wall: "Catie, honey, Elliott could not have written his name on the wall. First, that's higher than he can reach. Second, Elliott can't write. Third, Catie, you have the crayon in your hand!".
A look of horror came onto Catie's face as she looked at the crayon in her hand. Quickly, her hands went behind her back to hide the evidence. "Well, I sure didn't do it!" she said as she backed out of the kitchen.
God gives children adorable faces for a reason. Catie's serious face and huge brown eyes as she proclaimed her innocence were so amusing to me that I couldn't spank her for her misdeed. That face also saved her from biting soap for lying. She did get a "talking to" about how writing should be done on paper, not walls. Of course, I sometimes think a spanking would have been more beneficial. Especially after she wrote on her closet doors and the bathroom vanity!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

God is Good!

I have been blessed in more ways than I can ever count. As much as I gripe about him, I have the best husband in the world! He has been a great dad, doing things that some dads would never imagine doing (The drive to Pittsburgh when all three kids were under 8 years old comes to mind!). He and I arranged our work schedules so that the kids always had someone at home for them. He has supported my cat breeding madness, constant knitting ("You didn't hear a thing I just said, did you?" "No, sorry, I'm counting stitches!"), and my away for a week/home for a week work schedule. He can get really cranky, but so can I. Thirty years of marriage has made us more accepting of the occasional crankies because, most of the time things are good. I love him more than I can say.

I have three really good kids. They are grown now, and making their way in the world. They have stumbled here and there, but overall, they're focused. I'm proud of each of them.
Elliott and Samantha are awaiting the birth of their baby boy in October. Sam should graduate from Marshall in December. Elliott is hoping for a job with either the Charleston or Huntington (WV) fire dept.
Catie has graduated from Marshall in May and has a dream job providing developmental services for babies (PT, OT, and parenting skills). She and Ben have a cute house and three rambunctious dogs. Sadly, they lost their first baby last fall. God will provide a healthy baby for them in the future. Ben is a blessing, too. He fits right in with our oddball crowd!
Chris is living with Dave and me for now. He has a part time job and is mulling over his options for the future. I'd like to see him go to college, but that's up to him. I know that he really wants to be a cartoonist, but he needs to pay his bills, too! He has been dating Aaron since January. She's adorable! I hope things work out well for both of them.

I have the best co-workers in the world. For the first time in a long time, I enjoy going to work. The work is the same, nursing doesn't change that much, but the people I work with make those 12 hour night shifts fun! No matter how busy we get, we manage to have sing-alongs or dances at some point each night!

I am relatively healthy, my parents are still living (and healthy), I can pay my bills, my car is in good shape, My roof doesn't leak, and I know that I belong to the one true living God. Who could ask for more??