Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cold and dark

Yesterday, just as I discovered that the basement had flooded (AGAIN!), our power went off. Dave and I squeegeed as much water as we could into the sump pump but, of course, it won't come on without electricity! A call to the power company let us know that they were already aware that the power was out. It would be restored by 11:30 pm. OK. When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping!
We bought a few staples of life: toilet paper and paper towels! When we got back home, Dave called to check on the progress of our power repair. Power will be restored by 6:00 pm TOMORROW!
Holy Cow! When the going gets really tough, the wimpy take a nap! That's just what I decided to do. Why is it that when I decide to nap, Dave has to wake me up to ask me what I'm doing? What does it look like I'm doing?!? Do I look like I'm solving our country's economic crisis? He decided to go visit his dad.
When I woke up, it was dark. The wind was howling. The cats were freaking out! This is not part of their routine! Dave had lined up our oil lamps, lighter, and flashlight on the kitchen counter. I lit the smaller lantern and went back to the bedroom. Half a dozen cats, a fleece blanket, and my knitting were all I needed. I worked away on a baby dress for Abbey, paying no attention to time. I fixed myself a dinner of left over ham, an orange, and a diet coke. I ate dinner by oil lamp light. How rustic!
Shortly after Dave called to let me know that he was on his way home, the power came back on! Lights, Heat, TV!! Just in time for Jeopardy! The basement flood dried up with the help of the propane heater. Things aren't so bad after all!

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