Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Into each life, a little rain............

Last Saturday, Catie, Dave and I took Abbey to Elliott's house to play with Bryce. Abbey is now 6 months old, Bryce is 10 months. Bryce is learning to walk, Abbey is just barely sitting up. Abs had a pony tail on top of her head. Bryce thought it was a great handle and kept trying to grab it and pull! Abbey would squeal and Bryce would jump. Neither has ever had to share, so that was interesting. Everything one had, the other one wanted. Add a small dog and a kitten into the mix and you have a roll on the floor free for all!
As babies do, Abbey wet her diaper. Somehow, I got volunteered to change her. I laid her out on the couch and unfastened her diaper. Just as I slid it out from under her, the dam burst. She peed everywhere! There was nothing I could do to stop the flood! I even tried covering her with the dry diaper. Once the tidal wave stopped, I put a dry diaper on her. Catie had to change her clothes. My shorts were a bit soggy, too! I was so embarrassed! I apologized profusely to Sam. She brought a towel to me and I sopped up the mess. She said that Bryce had done the same thing on the couch, not to worry.
I heard later that Elliott got fussed at about the soggy couch. I feel bad about that, too. But it was funny watching Bryce toddle over to see what was going on while Abbey laughed like a fiend!